Womens Sing!

About Natana Spohler

Natana first felt the joy of singing as a youth in her church choir. Later, she was a vocalist in a chanting band, The Crazy Karma Band, which gave kirtans for the public once a month. She is currently part of a local singing sangha group led by Maniko Dru Dadigan which includes an annual solstice retreat where songs are created as touchstones for the insights gained there. She has written, performed and recorded some of these songs. Natana currently leads two online “Wake up with a Song in Your Heart” groups and holds an in person singing circle once a month.

About Womens Sing!

Natana’s circles include simple healing songs that welcome all aspects of ourselves. With her background in dance, she also enjoys bringing in movement so that the experience of singing together leaves everyone feeling open and uplifted. No experience is necessary only a love of singing!


Grass Valley, CA

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