Sisters in Harmony Marin

About Barbara Juniper

Barbara Juniper is a bay area songwriter, vocalist, musician, and sound healer. Grandmother, mother, sister, and daughter, she is a fourth-generation California native who has been singing since she was a toddler. She studied Sound, Voice, and Music Healing at the California Institute of Integral Studies and has a private Sound Healing practice in Marin County. Bringing together her love of music and harmony, her understanding of the healing power of sound, and her devotion to the awakened heart, Barbara delights in sharing her joy of singing with others.

About Sisters in Harmony Marin

Sisters in Harmony Marin is a singing circle for women who want to unleash their voices, open their hearts, make a positive impact in the world, and build community. We sing together, cry together, laugh together, and mend our hearts together. We honor and practice love, respect, joy, and harmony. Please join us! The world needs your voice.


Marin, California

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